# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Better Caldera Children Compatible Townd and town Expansions MMH 2007-01-29 Sandman101 I really enjoyed the atmosphere from Better Caldera.  The only problem was that it conflicted with Children of Morrowind. So I created a playground behind Holismod's armory, complete with sandbox, and a teeter-totter and moved the children.
  I also cleaned up the fr...
Better Caldera Townd and town Expansions MMH 2004-12-16 Loki the Grouch This plugin drastically changes Caldera, making it far more "real", in the author's opinion. There are simply too many changes to list each one individually, but a summary of the changes include: a home for the player in the center of Caldera; a barracks for the local Imperial Legion; a dramatica...